Contoh Report Singkat
contoh report text, singkat
1. contoh report text, singkat
A drone is an unmanned aircraft. The term drone, more widely used by the public, refers to the resemblance of dumb-looking navigation and loud-and-regular motor sounds to the male bee. Drone is also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or by several other names.
The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control by a human operator, or fully autonomously, by computers. A UAV uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift and can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely. It can also be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload.
sekoga benar dan membantu yaa
2. contoh report teks singkat
Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.
3. contoh report text singkat
adalah dengan cara tercepat
semoga membantu
4. contoh report text bahasa inggris yg singkat?
#DIET# When people talk "going on a diet",they usually mean they are trying to limit the amount & type of food that they eat,in order to become thinner. Nevertheless,diet actually refers to sensible neutrition for a variety of purpose - to gain,as well as to lose weight. A diet can also be done as part of medicinal procedures,for example,to counteract summer heat or winter cold and treat someone who suffers from stomach trouble. #mogaBermanfaat
5. Pengertian report text?Bagian dari report text itu apa saja?contoh report text singkat
Report text adalah suatu jenis teks yang mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau suatu tempat. Adapaun fungsi atau tujuan dari report text itu sendiri adalah untuk menggambarkan objek apa adanya.
6. contoh report text singkat tentang kucing dan pertanyaannya
The Facts About Cats
The cat is one of the most popular pets in the world. There are over six hundreds million domestic cats in the world. Cats have been associated to human life for about 10000 years. Cats spend their time to sleep for about 13 hours a day.
Cats have amazing senses among the animal world. They have exceptional smell, sight, and taste. They also have flexible bodies and sharp teeth that help them to catch their prey. Cats also have an incredible night vision six times better than human.
There are several terms about the cats. A male cat is called a tom. A female is called a molly or queen. The young cat is called kittens. Then, a group of cats is called a clowder.
7. contoh report text yang singkat tapi jelas
Lion lives in prairie, bushes, and open forests of Saharan, Africa. Lion is the second biggest feline on the planet. Its size is marginally littler than tiger. Be that as it may, they are nearly related and have fundamentally the same body. Lion is unique in relation to other enormous felines. They are extremely amiable creatures. They live in gatherings. There are around 30 lions in a gathering comprising of three guys, twelve females, and whatever remains of their kids. The quantity of gathering individuals is dictated by the accessibility of nourishment and water.
They thunder one another to track their spot. Male and female lions have a capable thunder that can be heard up to 8 km. Male and female lion have an altogether different part in the gathering. Male lions invest their energy to keep their domain and their youngsters. They keep up their limits. While female lions or lioness is the primary seeker bunch. They are littler and more spry than male lions. Anyway, they cooperate in getting their prey.
They generally chase around evening time. Their prey are gazelle, bison, zebra, rhinos, hippos, wild pig, crocodile, youthful elephants, and giraffe. At the same time, in some cases they likewise eat the littler prey, for example, rodents, flying creatures, rabbits, reptiles, and turtles.
In the wake of getting their prey, all the lions in the gathering impart their prey. However, there is a pecking request. The male lions take the first claim, trailed by lionesses, and the latter is their kids.
8. contoh report text singkat tentang pengalamanmu belajar online
MY EXPERIENCE OF HOME LEARNINGThe pandemic forced us to do the things from home avoiding get contacted with others and get infected with the virus. I did not go to school, but I had the home learning through online system. It was so fun, because we could get the learning and assignments from teachers without risking ourselves by going outside. The teachers delivered the lesson with video web cam based. They also gave the assignments to us. We did, collected, and sent them through email. On the next meeting, we discussed them and announced the marks, so we could improve ourselves for a better result in the future. That was how I spent my days of home learning.
Pembahasan:Teks tersebut menggunakan Simple Past Tense karena menceritakan pengalaman belajar di rumah karena pandemi. Kata "pengalaman" berarti sesuatu hal yang telah lampau, sehingga tense yang tepat adalah Simple Past Tense.
Jenis teks tersebut adalah recount text, yaitu teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman seseorang akan sesuatu hal. Tidak terdapat konflik yang dapat menggugah emosi para pembaca dalam teks ini, karena tujuan dari recount text hanyalah menceritakan tentang sesuatu hal yang telah terjadi.
Translation:Pandemi ini memaksa kami untuk melakukan hal-hal dari rumah untuk menghindari kontak dengan orang lain dan terinfeksi virus. Saya tidak bersekolah, tetapi saya mendapatkan pembelajaran di rumah melalui sistem online. Itu sangat menyenangkan, karena kami bisa mendapatkan pembelajaran dan tugas dari guru tanpa membahayakan diri sendiri dengan pergi keluar. Para guru menyampaikan pelajaran dengan berbasis web cam video. Mereka juga memberikan tugas kepada kami. Kami mengerjakannya, mengumpulkan, dan mengirimkannya melalui email. Pada pertemuan berikutnya, kami membahasnya dan mengumumkan nilai, sehingga kami dapat meningkatkan diri untuk hasil yang lebih baik di masa depan. Itulah bagaimana saya menghabiskan waktu saya dengan belajar dari rumah.
Struktur:Orientation: The pandemic forced us to do the things from home avoiding get contacted with others and get infected with the virus.
Events: I did not go to school, but I had the home learning through online system. It was so fun, because we could get the learning and assignments from teachers without risking ourselves by going outside. The teachers delivered the lesson with video web cam based. They also gave the assignments to us. We did, collected, and sent them through email. On the next meeting, we discussed them and announced the marks, so we could improve ourselves for a better result in the future.
Re-orientation: That was how I spent my days of home learning.
Detail jawaban:
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Past Tense (simple and continuous)
Kode: 8.5.9
#Semangat belajar dirumah
9. Contoh report text yang singkat dalam bahasa inggris
Types of Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions have caused some of the worst disasters in the world. They can wipe out entire cities and kill thousands of people.
The name of volcano comes from Roman term. It derives from VULCAN which is the name of Roman fire god. Romans believed that Vulcan lived on a volcanic Italian coast. Romans called the island VULCANO.
According to scientists, volcanic eruptions are divided in to four basic groups. They are commonly known as Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian and Peleean. The term of Hawaiian eruptions are named after the volcanoes in Hawaii. These volcanic eruptions are the least violent type. They produce highly fluid lava which flows quietly. This gradually builds up a shield volcano.
Strombolian eruptions are named after Stromboli. These result from the constant release of gas from the magma. As the gas escapes, it produces tephra that piles up, turning into a cinder cone. Strombolian eruptions happen when sticky magma plugs the central vent. This makes the magmatic gas build up pressure until it blasts. The magma is turned into volcanic dust and bombs.
Vulcanian eruption which comes from the ancient Roman belief, are more violent than the strombolian eruption. Vulcanian eruption happens and brings magma which is more viscous. Vulcanian explosions are usually larger and noisier than the Strombolian eruptions.
Paleean eruptions are famous as the most violent kind of volcanic eruptions. The name of paleean comes from the eruption of Mount Pelee, Martinique in 1902. It killed almost 38 thousands people. A Peleean eruption occurs when the magmatic gas build up tremendous pressure. This causes violent explosions with glowing clouds of hot ash and dust.
10. contoh report text singkat tentang elang
Eagle is one of creatures that exist in the entire nation of Indonesia. In English, eagle alludes to the vast predators. Falcon is known as a major predator which has solid ability to fly. It has wide wings, huge and sharp bill, and intense nails. Falcon additionally has sharp sight to see its prey from far separation. With this capacity, hawk put itself on the top of evolved way of life in the biological community. The span of a bird depends of the species. Its size extent is from 40cm until 1 meter. The wings can be twice more extensive than its body. A large portion of birds are the old occupant of this world. All types of hawk incorporate into Falconiformes ordo. All of Falconiformes are meat eater. Bird has along life and low proliferation. All hawks are mating in monogamy.
ga bisa singkat :"(
masi banyak nih report text nya padahal
11. Buatlah contoh report text singkat tentang corona !
Globally, as of today, 7 September 2020, there have been around 26 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including around 880 thousand deaths, reported to WHO.
After Covid-19 passed, a lot of things will happen. After the Covid change during this pandamic ,people are quarantined and are demanded to social distance. This make people cannot be near their family, friend and others.After COVID-19 Passed, people will appreciate others more. When they are hanging out, they wont be busy with their phones & social media .Instead, they will cherish every moment spent with others more. After all the disaster is over, people will hug their love ones dearly and not taking granted for the people around them. People will also love their daily activities more. For instance and Studying working.
People will go do outdoor activities and the world like that will be a brighter place.
Besides, the earth's atmosphere are also getting better Which means, the air later will be much fresher and clearer.
There will be a warmer surrounding from the environment and society ; for we know we’ve survived a pandemic that shooked the world so great, but it doesn't bring us down.
12. Contoh report text singkat tentang rusa
Chevrotains, also known as mouse-deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. They are solitary or live in pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material.Depending on exact species, the Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg (1.5 and 17.6 lb), and include the smallest ungulates in the world. The African chevrotain is considerably larger at 7–16 kg
13. Contoh text report tentang buah apel singkat
Apple is one of the most famous and the most preferred fruit in the world. It usually has two main colors: green and red.
This fruit matures in late summer or autumn, and always, it can grow well in cold regions. In Indonesia, it cultivated in Malang, East Java. The hilly areas in Malang is cold enough as a place to make apples grow well. In Malang, the fruit that we can meet is a kind of green apple, while the apple existing abroad is usually red. The meat is generally yellowish. It would be rotten fast if you do not store well, while the size of a single apple is not too big, the fruit has an average of one hand adult.
Apple is a sweet and a preferred one because it has many benefits. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. In fact, this fruit considered as the miracle in which people can be young forever if they eat apple consistently.
It has antioxidants that can reduce the risk of cancer. We certainly want to avoid cancer, and the apple you eat, can fight cancer and makes your body more healthy. Second, Apple is also able to regulate bowel movements, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. Third, it can help your body reducing cholesterol levels in which high cholesterol levels can make you get a heart disease. Fourth, it helps you reducing the risk of skin diseases. This fruit is also able to prevent the problem of digestive and liver. Last, it is a fruit that is recommended for obesity, gall bladder stones, bronchial asthma, gonorrhea, anemia, insomnia, neuritis, and halitosis.
Apel merupakan salah satu buah yang paling terkenal dan paling disukai. Buah ini mempunyai dua warna utama yaitu hijau dan merah.
Buah matang pada akhir musim panas atau musim gugur dan selalu, apel dapat tumbuh subur pada daerah dingin. Di Indonesia, apel dibudidayakan di Malang, Jawa Timur. Daerah perbukitan di Malang cukup dingin untuk tempat tumbuhnya apel. Di daerah tersebut, apel berwarna hijau, sementara yang ada di luar negeri biasanya berwarna merah. Daging pada umumnya berwarna kekuningan. Daging mudah busuk apabila Anda tidak menyimpannya dengan baik, sementara ukuran apel tidak terlalu besar, buah ini rata-rata sebesar satu genggaman orang dewasa.
Apel begitu disukai karena manis dan mempunyai banyak manfaat. Ada suatu pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa satu buah apel sehari dapat membuat dokter pergi. Bahkan, apel dianggap sebagai buah ajaib dimana orang bisa menjadi muda selamanya.
Apel mempunyai kandungan antioksidan yang mampu mengurangi risiko kanker. Kita tentu ingin menghindari kanker, dan apel yang Anda konsumsi, bisa melawan kanker serta membuat tubuh Anda semakin sehat. Kedua, apel juga mampu mengatur pergerakan usus sehingga mengurangi risiko kanker usus besar. Ketiga, apel dapat membantu tubuh Anda mengurangi kadar kolesterol dimana kolesterol yang tinggi, bisa membuat Anda mendapatkan penyakit jantung. Keempat, apel membantu Anda mengurangi risiko penyakit kulit. Buah ini juga mampu mencegah permasalan pencernaan dan hati. Terakhir, apel merupakan buah yang direkomendasikan untuk obesitas, batu kandung empedu, asma bronkial, gonore, anemia, insomnia, neuritis, dan halitosis.
The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the ampple tree, it is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits, the ree is small , 3 to 12 meter tail. The flowers are white they have five petals with 2,5 to 3,5 centimeters in diameter, the fruit is 5 to 9 centimeter in diameter, the apple tree comes from central asia, there are more than 7.500 known cultivars of apples. Research shows that apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer prostate cancer and lung cancer , apples contain relatively low amounts of vitamin c as well as several other antioxidant compounds the fiber content in apples may reuce the risk of colon cancer , they may also help coping with heeart disease, weight loss, and controlling cholestrol, they are rich with caloric content like most fruits and vegetables.
Semoga Membantu.. :)
14. contoh text report ayam yang singkat beserta terjemahannya
Chickens are bird that cannot fly. they are included into aves group. there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird.
chicken have 2 legs and 8 fingers. chickens also has wings, but that cannot fly. There are many different of chicken, those are sizes and colors. generally, the color of chicken are red, black, and white. usually, chicken has a big and medium size.Chicken have varied diet. they eat rice, corn, worm, snail, and many other foods. Chickens have traits. It's gallant, they like crow, peck, producing egg. They also like circle dance and to go down their wing, when they want to reproduction. There are many chicken in the world then any species bird. Human keep chicken because, they can consuming chicken meat and eggs.
artinya :
Ayam adlh burung yg tidak bisa terbang. mereka termasuk ke dlm kelompok aves. ada banyak ayam di dunia daripada spesies lain dari burung.
ayam memiliki 2 kaki dan 8 jari. ayam juga memiliki sayap, tapi tidak bisa terbang. Ada banyak yg berbeda dari ayam, yaitu ukuran dan warna. umumnya, warna ayam merah, hitam, dan putih. biasanya, ayam memiliki ukuran besar dan sedang. Ayam memiliki bervariasi makanan. mereka makan nasi, jagung, cacing, siput, dan banyak makanan lainnya. Ayam memiliki ciri-ciri. gagah, Mereka suka berkokok, mematuk, menghasilkan telur. Mereka juga suka menari berlingkaran dan menurunkan sayap mereka, ketika mereka ingin reproduksi. Ada banyak ayam di dunia dr setiap spesies burung. Ayam dipelihara manusia karena, mereka dapat dikonsumsi daging ayam dan telur.
15. contoh teks report singkat tentang gerhana matahari cincin
Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse occurs during the day. Process beginning with the Moon covered the Sun so brightly lit circumstances gradually became dark. Solar eclipses occur because of sunlight during the dayeclipsed by the moon. As a result, for a few moments the Sun covered and not visible from Earth.When the position of the solar eclipse, the Sun, moon, and Earth are on one line. As a result of the Moon‘s shadow will hit the Earth. Because the Moon is smaller than the Sun then just some place ofthe Earth’s surface exposed to the shadow of the moon. Or just some of the places that experiencea solar eclipse.
Eclipse of the Sun was divided into three types: total solar eclipses, partial solar eclipse, Solar Eclipse and ring.Total solar eclipse: the occurrence of a total solar eclipse took place only at the Earth’s surfaceexposed to the core shadow (umbra) of the month. Because the Moon is smaller compared to the Earth. Then the total solar eclipse can not last long. Total solar eclipses usually only lasts about 7minutes. Total solar eclipses always starts and ends by the partial solar eclipse.Partial solar eclipse: the occurrence of partial solar eclipse when the Moon’s surface close a portion of the surface of the Sun.Solar Eclipse ring: the occurrence of a solar eclipse ring when the Moon is at the farthest point andthe nearest point on the Earth is from the Sun.Sorry klo salah :(
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