Contoh Soal Essay Congratulation Dan Jawabannya
contoh soal essay congratulation
1. contoh soal essay congratulation
- Today is your graduation day, Congratulations!
- Congratulations for your birthday, wish you all the best
- You did well for the exam, Congratulation!Answer:
________ week your friend will celebrate her birthday party. what will you say to her in her special day next week?
--> Answer: In this special day i want to say : congratulation, may you always stay in a good health and all your dream will come true.
2.Elsa got some presents from her mother last year because she became the winner of Speech contest in her school. What will you say to her if you meet her tomorrow?
--> Answer: Elsa, i am glad to hear that you become the winner of speech contest, and i am so sure that you will get more again next friend.
2. 5 contoh soal hots essay congratulation
1. Situation:
Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.
Beni congratulates her.
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
Beni : ” __________________________.”
Siti : ”Thank you.”
2. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”
Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. _________________________.”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
3. Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.”
Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.”
Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”
Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”
Why does Edo give Lia a present?
The following text is for questions 4 and 5.
Dear Esther
Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.
Chair person of Class 9 A
4. The text above shows that . . .
5. The text is for . . . of FL2SN.
3. 10 soal essay tentang congratulation dan jawabannya
hah? •_•"
4. contoh soal essay serta jawabannya
Kapan Indonesia merdeka?
Jawab:Tanggal 17 Agustus 1945
5. contoh soal congratulation
congratulations for your son's birthday
6. 10 contoh soal expressing congratulation beserta jawaban
Expressing Congratulation adalah ungkapan yang disampaikan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan selamat atau penghargaan verbal kepada seseorang atas suatu hal atau prestasi yang telah dilakukannya.
Berikut adalah 10 contoh expressing congratulation beserta respon dan terjemahannya.
1. A: Congratulation for winning the football competition! Selamat atas kemenangannya di kompetisi sepak bola.
B: Thank you. It was nothing without team work. Terima kasih. Itu semua berkat kerjasama tim.
2. A: Congratulation for the salary raise! Selamat atas kenaikan gajinya!
B: Thank you very much. Terima kasih banyak.
3. A: I'd like to congratulate you for your job promotion. Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas kenaikan jabatannya.
B: Thank you so much. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya.
4. A: May I congratulate you on your first child's birth? Izinkan saya mengucapkan selamat atas kelahiran anak pertamanya.
B: Ohh, that's really special to me. Oh, ini sangat istimewa buat saya.
5. A: You have successfully lead our basketball team. Great job! Kamu telah berhasil memimpin tim basket kita. Hebat!
B: It's not so special actually. I was only part of the team. Tidak begitu istimewa. Saya hanya bagian dari tim.
6. A: You got A for your English examination. You did very well. Kamu dapat A di ujian bahasa Inggris. Itu sangat hebat.
B: I'm very grateful for that. Aku sangat bersyukur untuk itu.
7. A: The room is very clean. You did a very good job in cleaning it. Ruangan ini sangat bersih. Kerjamu membersihkannya sungguh bagus.
B: Thank you, it was a tiring job. Terima kasih, ini sungguh melelahkan.
8. A: I must congratulate you for your victory in the election. Saya mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangannya di pemilihan umum.
B: You are very kind. It was everyone's hard work. Anda sungguh baik hati. Itu adalah hasil kerja keras semua orang.
9. A: Congratulation on finishing your scientific paper. Selamat kamu sudah menyelesaikan makalah ilmiahmu.
B: Thank you. I still have more to learn. Terima kasih, masih banyak yang harus dipelajari.
10. A: Well done, you can finally solve this difficult task. Hebat. Kamu akhirnya berhasil memecahkan soal yang sulit ini.
B: Thank you my friend. Terima kasih temanku.
Demikian beberapa contoh expressing congratulation beserta responsnya. Semoga bermanfaat dan tetaplah semangat belajar bahasa Inggris.
Beberapa contoh soal lainnya terkait expressing congratulation adalah:
Detail tambahan:
Kelas: X
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Expressions
Kata Kunci: congratulation, responding congratulation
Kode: 10.5.2
7. buatlah 10 soal essay tentang congratulation
make ten essay question about congratulation
8. contoh soal essay coungrotulate dan jawaban
Coungrotulate apaan?
Congratulate kali
9. Contoh Soal congratulation dan jawabannya
1 .how would you congratulate someone after the birth of their baby?
Congratultions on your new arrival!
10. soal essay materi congratulation
congratulations your answer has been answered
11. tolong dibuatkan 8 soal essay tentang exspressing congratulation
A : ...... ,tommorrow i break your car, but i will repair your car
B : ok
C : why you so look happy ???
D : tomorrow i will join in the oliympiade
C : wow .......... i hope you win
12. contoh soal congratulation dengan jawabannya pilihan ganda
contoh soal congratulation
We are happy for the arrival of your new family member. Wish you and your family all the best. May the happiness always with the beautiful baby, Aninda and her family. Hope she will be a nice girl in the future. 1. What is the writer's hope for the baby?
A. Being a smart guy
B. Being a nice one
C. Being a rich person
D. Being the success girl
jawaban : pada teks ucapan selamat diatas membahas tentang harapan penulis terhadap bayi agar menjadi wanita yang baik di masa yang akan datang. dan pada option jawabannya yang hampir sama dengan yang dikatakan pada teks adalah B.
13. contoh soal essay tentang novel dan jawabannya
apa yang anda ketahui tentang novel ?
jawab : novel adalah sekumpulan cerita yang dibukukan dan bisa dibaca dalam jangka waktu yang lama :)
14. Kasih aku 8 soal essay Bahasa inggris tentang congratulation dong beserta isinya
Andi : I win soccer match
Doni :...
Andi : thank you
Doni : you're welcom
kalo nggK slah
cuma itu doang 1 essay
1. Lina: "Congratulation,Siti! You have a good test ,I'm so proud of you!"
Siti: "Thank you,Lina. You have a great test too!"
What does Lina proud of Siti?
Answer: Lina proud of Siti's test,she do it well.
2. Teacher: _______ to our friend,Edo. He've been made our class revived again,give him big round applause!
Answer: Congratulation
3. Udin: Beni,you got the test results well,I'm not good at Math. Congratulation _____..
Beni: No,you're wrong,it's not too bad.
Answer: on you
4. Everybody,we have news. We won the contest! I'm so ____ __ ___ ___.
Answer: proud of you all
5. He's so smart and dilligent,I think his parents is proud __ ___.
Answer: of him
6. Gika: Wow,you're amazing Vina! Look,now you're a real singer!!
Vina: Thank,you! I'm so _____ __ ___,___ are so kind and I feel so lucky to be your friend,without you I can't be like now.
Gika: Aw,that's cute..
Answer: proud of you,you
7. Bob: Oh,I have a massage!
Tim: ____ it's _____?
Bob: It's about like .. "Congratulation! You have been recharge your credit! Please check now. Call *000*9#"
Tim: That's good,that guy doen't lie.
Answer: What ... about
8. Leader: Good! We have reached the top. ______ for us!
Answer: Congratulations
15. Contoh Invitation dan Soal + jawabannya ( soalnya isian / essay )
Would you like to come my brother's birthday party tomorrow?
What kind of this text?
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